Easy set-up with maximum compatibility
As Guardians of authenticity, we think of anti-counterfeiting differently, so that everyone can use it, in any corner of the world, at any time. We give everyone and every company access to counterfeit protection, free of charge and with no barriers to entry. To do this, we use existing infrastructures such as conventional printers to print out the authentic.code and standard smartphones to scan the code. The scan is possible offline from anywhere – even under water.
High-safety counterfeit protection
To keep it secure, counterfeit-proof and yet simple, we work with a wide range of behind-the-scenes technologies. Our patented cryptographic printing process turns conventional printersinto security printers. The blockchain connects an unassailable physical code with an ambiguous digital twin and secures it one hundred percent. A KI determines usage patterns, makes them analyzable and detects attacks at an early stage in order to eliminate them independently. This eliminates the possibility of contaminated codes. The combination makes counterfeit protection easier and more secure than ever before.

Flexible business scaling
Counterfeiting reduces company sales by 13 trillion EUR every year. authentic protects you and your brand from these economic losses and reputation damage. Once your product is protected, you can extend it with digital services. This way you give your customers maximum transparency to further strengthen your company's reputation. Your customer has never been closer to your brand than with authentic!